

This is the European pressing of STATUES' classic album "New people Make Us Nervous", which will immediately turn into one of your favourite records, a definite candidate for your "all-time-classic" selection. Let this Canadian trio take you on a non-stop power-chord ride through 8 brilliant songs that lean on English Mod-Punk as well as taking straight Canadian Power-Pop and stirring it up with slightly dissonant and sweeping guitar lines. Listen to the beautiful, CLASH inspired verses in "All good things" and "(You can't wash) Dirty thoughts" that turn into melodic BUZZCOCKS-like bombs in the choruses, the energetic '77 smashers "Living in lines", "Nerve damage" and "Last stand" that sound a bit like THE BRIEFS and never fail to surprise with perfectly inserted, astonishing parts, as in the opener "Electric fences", where THE JAM teams up with early JAWBREAKER, the WIPERS guitar in the super cool "Rubber gloves" or the Pop-Punk elements in "Quality assurance".
You also get a fantastic and gritty singer with a wide vocal range and lyrics that deal with social problems in a very clever and non-preaching way. Don't get us wrong: This ain't no wishy-washy Power-Pop, this record's full of melody, hooks and energy. It smokes! Perfect fodder for fans of CLOROX GIRLS, OBSERVERS or THE TRANZMITORS.
Handnumbered Edition 364 copies.

Titel: New People Make Us Nervous
Label: P. Trash
Stil: New Action Sounds
Best-Nr.: FULLTRASH-24
Typ: LP

STATUES - New People Make Us Nervous

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Electric Fences
Living in Lines
(You Can't Wash) Dirty Thoughts
Nerve Damage

All Good Things
Quality Assurance
The Last Stand
Rubber Gloves

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